Community Window to the Waldrons

Monday, February 18, 2013

another year of festing à la "winter"

i' proud of this guy... have I mentioned? ;)
Yeah, he rocked #winterfest, yet again. It was an absolutely gorgeous weekend, replete with lots of sun rays and chilly winds which made for warmer temps for which to carve "frozen" things such as ice, but he managed just fine! Lots of accolades and amazement at his (and of course others as well) work. It truly is remarkable how these artists carve away these solid blocks of frozen water into works of art. Such talent, each of them.

Mom and I got to travel around a bit at winterfest too and we all ate together after J was finished carving. So glad to have her here to join in the festivities as well, she's a winterized trooper now as an official Bend resident! =) 

It's so good to be able to root down in a community and appreciate it's fun qualities and gatherings. We are most blessed! 

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